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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ahh!! Are we all gonna die??? No, we're just being engulfed by MONSANTO!


Well, I was looking at the article 8 Conspiracy Theories That May Actually Be True when I stumbled across our old friend, Monsanto.

According to the article, ninety percent of all genetically modified crops (which account for a majority of crops in the United States) originate from the boys over at Monsanto. It goes on to reiterate one of the messages from Food, Inc. , "Monsanto and most food companies are known for cutting all of the corners that they can and make as much money as possible off of products that are hardly safe and “regulated” by former Monsanto workers that make up the FDA."

Does the FDA have any teeth? Well for our sake let's hope they will soon.

-Jacob Hambrick


  1. I just re-read an article (online at: had read in the June 2009 issue of National Geographic and guess who was mentioned in it: Monsanto... It was quite interesting because in a different context--"the global food crisis"--they can actually be the good guys. Like being able to create a GE grain that can withstand Africa's climate helps promote that economy. And we don't only have to eat these GMOs because a big part of grain consumption is actually biofuels.

  2. Yes. It is refreshing to see that the company provides benefits. I think that it is important to remember that Monsanto is a business, and is not evil just because they are trying to make money. Yes, they have made choices that I disagree with, but they are a successful business that provides jobs for many people. It's hard to completely demonize something that can be considered an economically good thing.


  3. I still think they're evil. The corn that helps Africa has actually decimated their own farming practices and made them utterly reliant on the US and, you guessed it, Monsanto.
