When eating their favorite foods, people don't often think about what had to be done in order to obtain and market the comestibles. The process is often very complex, and very bad for the environment, especially in the case of six very popular foods: chocolate, corn, bananas, tuna, shrimp, and beef. These foods, though well liked by many, and highly profitable for businesses, take a huge toll of the environment, and even the laborers who help produce them.They may seem cheap at the counter, but there is a grave hidden cost.
"And Nestle's not alone. A 2007 report revealed that Africa's cocoa trade was bankrolling both sides of Cote d'Ivoire's bloody civil war. And the cocoa trade has also been accused of supporting forced child labor and trafficking"
"The widespread use of chemical fertilizer on corn fields in the U.S. has created a massive "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico – a 7,900 square-mile area patch of water that is so oxygen-depleted that sea life cannot survive"
"Growing bananas is responsible for widespread deforestation in much of Latin America. And pesticides used to farm bananas have polluted the land and harmed plantation workers"
"Tuna is one of the most well-known offending industries. For years, the tuna industry used the practice of 'dolphin circling' to catch tuna, resulting in the deaths of more than 100,000 dolphins each year"
"Harvesting shrimp is phenomenally wasteful – up to 10 pounds of fish are caught and destroyed for each pound of shrimp harvested"
"The cattle industry is an incredible energy and water suck – it takes around 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. And the farming of animals accounts for 18% of all man-made greenhouse gases"
Read More:http://www.thedailygreen.com/healthy-eating/eat-safe/bad-foods-scandals-33010801
-Chuka Obiofuma "Scandals have been requested, and scandals shall be given"
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